
traffic invevstigation

Yesterday, I took part in the traffic investigation as the part time job with Mika and Kensuke who is her boyfriend. The day was cold in the morning. And my work was very boring. So I want to stop my job. I worked for 6 hours. But I did it!! I got 7000ye-----n. Yeah! I was happy when I got my salary. I thought I want to take part in this job next time, too!!



This is Erizo. My boyfriend has her in his house. Today she attached itself to me. So I was happy. She likes kotatsu. And I also like it!!! Kotatsu is wonderful♪♪I can't live without it. Maybe...

Christmas Tree.

I decolated Christmas tree in MacDanalds on Monday. It took about one hour. Christmas tree is very beautiful. The children who came to MacDonalds as a customer was pleased with it. So I am happy, too. Please come to MacDonalds in Sanpian. I am waiting for you!!


Hot socks

I bought very hot socks yesterday in Sanpian. I don't have the hrater in my room. So I feel very cold. Especially foot. Because the floor of my room is wooden floor. So I needed hot socks as soon as possible. I pleased with my new socks very much.


They are Kanako and Miki. We improve our paper topic in the class of kaigai-kensyu. I have a lot of mistakes. So I have to imporve my report as soon as possible. Because the deadline of paper topic is November 27. But it is difficult for me to correct my English which mistaken. Hurry up, me!!!!


Free Time
If I have me free time, I want to sleep a lot of time, I like sleeping very much. Sleeping is my happy things. But now I do not have free time very much. Because I have my part time job a lot. For example, six times a week. So the average of my sleeping time at night is 5 hours or 4 hours. Fathermroe I have a lot of assightment everyday. So I have to do after My part time job finished and got back home and took a bath and ate dinner. S omy life is so hard. I do not like my life .But I think my life is so fruitful. Next Ig I have my free time, I want to go shopping. 127words


in Tsuruya.

We went to "Hokkaido-bussanten" in Tsuruya. It was so crowed with a lot of customer. We tasted many food. Everyone was so good. We bought a lunch box which had crab and salmon roe. It was very gorgeous and delicious. I was very pleased with it. I want to go there next time again.

Space World

I went to Space World on Saturday with my boyfriend. We went there by JR. It took about 2 hours. Do you know "Zaturn"? It is very very high and fast. So we was afraid of riding on it. But at last we could ride. Of course I was afraid but it was very fun. Please try it!!!


Talking Time!!!

Yesterday, I didn't have my part time job. So I finished my report whose deadline is next Monday. I t was difficult to write. The theme was "To kill a Mockingbird. I think the students take the history of American literature are guess. I went to the KFC with Mika. I like KFC. It is delicious. We talked about something for 3 hours there. The time was so good, and enjoyed. I want to talk long time with her.

Typing 11/14

Free Time
If I have my free time, I want to sleep a lot of time. I like sleeping. Sleeping is My happy thing! But, now I do not have free time very much. Because I have my part time job time a lot. For example six time a week. So the average of my sleeping time is 5 hours or 4 hours. So I am always sleepy. Next If I have my free time, I want to go shopping with my friend to down town. I like shopping very much. But If I do not have some money, I cannot shopping. Oh no… So I need some money. Now it has became cold. So I want htot jucket.


My little brother

My brother is 10 years old. He likes playing socccer. So he always kick the soccer ball in the house. BUT!!! His action is causing me liettle inconvinience. But he is really cute for me. So I forgive him.

Happy set♪

Now the toy of happy set is "Keroro." Do you know "Keroro"? It is popular. Why don't you correct the toy of "Keroro"?



Next class is Reading. Here is 14 building, but Next class's place is 11 building. So it is too far. I don't want to walk any more. I want Dokodemo-door!!! And I am hungry. I want something ot eat...I want time for sleeping...So have a good night!


Last night, I went to Kuroda-han with my boyfriend after my job finished.


My favorite singer is Yui. Do you know her? She is from Fukuoka. She can play the guitar. So when she sings a song, she uses her guitar. I like her songs. So when I go to the Karaoke, I often her songs. I have not been to her live. I would like to go to her live and I want to try to watch her live performance.


Typing 6
I moved to Kumamoto when I was junior high school. So I have lived in Kumamoto for 7years. Here is good place. Kumamoto has a lot of famous places. For example Mt.Aso, Amakusa, Kumamoto catsle, and so on.


Next Door to Love
A main character in this story was Stella. Tony was Stella's neighbor. He lived next to her house. Stella started to like him. One day, she heard him on the phone next door. He was very angry. Tony was afraid of something. Stella was worried about him. Daisy was Tony's daughter. Tony loved her but he couldn't live with her because she lived with her mother, Tony's ex-wife. That was why he was sad.
Stella and Tony liked each other so they started to go out. She was very happy until she saw him with a woman. She was worried if he cheated. However it was his ex-wife, Kathy. Kathy came to Tony's house to tell him that she and her new husband decided to move to Scotland. They wanted to take Daisy with them. Tony was very sad. Stella and Tony decided to see a lawyer. The case went against them. Tom was very sad and angry. Stella suggested him to move to Scotland and live near by Daisy. Stella would go with him. They moved to Scotland. They saw Daisy every weekend. Tony was very happy.
I think this story was good. This story was telling us about life. I loved the phrases which Janet, Stella's best friend, said. Which were "Everybody needs someone." and "When you want to do something, just do it. Don't stop and think! Don't wait! Just do it." I agreed to her opinion. I want to do something without thinking too much. I was happy because Tony and Stella lived happily together at last and they could see Daisy every weekend.


I have wisdom tooth. So I have to pull out my wisdom tooth. I am afraid of pulling out them. So I don't want to go to the dentist. I don't like dentist. Everyone doesn't like dentist!!!


The school festival of prefectual university will be take place this weekend. And my friends who go to prefectual university will hop there. So I am going to see their dancing Saturday night.

Next weekend

I am planning to go to the Space World with my boyfriend next week. I am looking forward to go there. I can't wait!!


What I should do

I have a lot of things which I have to do. For example,,,First I want to clean my room. My room is not clean. So I can't find what I want. I should clean my room as soon as possible.

Too bad...

Recently I think my meal is too bad and unhealthy. Most meal are cup noodle or MacDonalds or frozen food. So I feel my weight gain. I was shocked.


We are the champion!!!

We got the very best prize this year in the school festival!!!So I am very very happy♪♪


School Festival3

Today is last day and today is Saturday. So there were a lot of the public in our university and it crowed by them. I ate Tako-rice. It was very good taste. So I want to eat again next year.


School Festival2

Today is second day! BUT!!!I overslept this morning. Oh my gad...Hurry up me!


School Festival1

It started our school festival from today!!!Yeah~~~♪♪ We are going to sell pop corn and cotton candy. But I can't make cotton candy vell well...Kanako can make it well. Because she works at cheap sweeet courner as her part time job.