

I read a book “HANNAH AND THE HURRICANE.” The main character is Hannah who is sixteen and lives on an island. She is on holiday from school and is working fro Mr. Duval on his glass bottomed boat. Mr. Duval can only pay Hannah a little money, but she lives working for the old man. One day, the new boat appeared! Hannah found out the boat’s sight. All customers went to the new boat. The reason is that “Hannah’s boat is 15 dollars but new boat’s 8 dollars, so new boat is cheaper.” The new boat’s owner is Max Marlcer who is very rich and has a big house on the island. The weeks go by, people don’t come to Mr. Duval’s boat. Then, Max went to Mr. Duval and said “Do you want to sell your boat?” But Mr. Duval is very angry “NO!” He loves his boat. That is all.

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