

I read a book called A Christmas Carol. Scrooge was a main character in the story. He was a hard man and he loved money. He was a cold man and didn't have any friends. He didn't like Christmas. When someone said "Merry Christmas!" to him, he said "Humbug!" His nephew, Fred, invited him for a party, but he refused it. When two men visited his office to ask for money for poor people, he said he didn't want to give any money for them. He was mean to his clerk, Bob, and he didn't give him much money, holidays and much coal for fire.One time, three ghosts visited him. They show him his past life, his life now, and a possible future.The ghost of past Christmas showed him Scrooge in the past. He watched his past life. He was very excited. Little Scrooge was enjoying Christmas very much. Scrooge was a very nice young man.The ghost of Christmas now showed him Scrooge in now. He watched Bob's family. They were very poor but they were very happy. Tiny Tim was the youngest child of Bob. He was very small for his age. The boy was very ill. Ghost told Scrooge that Tiny Tim will die in the future. Next place was Fred's house. The party seemed very fun and Scrooge wanted to join them.The ghost of future Christmas showed him Scrooge in the future. Unhappy man with unhappy life was dead. No one sad because of he was dead. The man was Scrooge. He learned from the past, from now and from the possible future. He decided to be kind at Christmas. He would be kind all year. He would change his future!It was Christmas. He saw the man who visited his office. Scrooge gave him money. In afternoon, he visited Fred's house. It was a wonderful party with lovely food and games, and everybody was very, very happy. Next morning, Scrooge told Bob that he would give him more money and he would help him with his family. Scrooge told Bob to put more coal on the fire and he could take some coal into his room.Tiny Tim did not die. Scrooge was a good man and a good friend. He always had a good time at Christmas and he never said "Humbug!" again.I enjoyed the story very much. It was nice to see how Scrooge changed after three ghosts visited him. No one is happy to live alone.

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