
Clean day

I cleaned my room. My room was not clean. So I should clean there. It took 6 hours. I was really tired.

Merry Christmas♪

Today is Christmas day. I got a little present from the friend of my father. It was the cookies. I was happy to got it. Because I am 19 years old. So Santa does not come to my house. I was sad...


Typing 12

Typing 12 Free time
If I have a free time, I want to sleep well. Recently I don’t sleep well. Because I do not have enough time. I always come back home after 0 am. After that I take a bath and eat dinner. After that I have to do some assiment. I have a lot of assiment. So I sometimes do not want to do all things. But I have to do all things. Second If I have a free time, I want to go shopping with my friend. I want to go shopping with my friend. I like shopping and I want to go to buy the Christmas present for my boyfriend. But Christmas day is my part time job day. I can’t meet him. But MacDonalds will be held on Christmas party on 22. And (136words

illumination part2

The illumination of saisyunkan is one of the famous spot in Kumamoto. The illumination of Saisyunkan was appeared before. But it moved to Mashiki. So it is far from my house to there. I have never seen new illumination. So I want to try to see it. I am looking forward to seeing it.

next illumination

in Aso farm land!!!

I was moved。。。

The illumination

Christmas is a week away. So a lot of place are decolated with lights. So they are very beautiful.I am planning to go to the Aso farm land after school. I am looking forward to watching it.


only girls in the MacDonalds

Yesterday I had my part time job. And there were only girls in the store. It was hard. We spent enjoying our work. After that we went to Joyful to eat. Sometimes only girls are good!!

My trip to Minnesota

power point MN

From: tometerster, 5 minutes ago

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Bye Bye flu〜

I was vaccinated against the flu. I was afraid of vaccinating it. But It was not so pain and I secure about it. Because people say that "the flu of this year is trouble. So be careful!"


Writing 2003用保存版

From: tometerster, 1 week ago

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in the morning

Recently, I am not good at waking in the morning. So I often come to school late. I know that is bad. So I will come on time!!



I held a dish cooked in a pot at the table last night. This time was Kimchi taste. The smell was strong, but it was delicious and it made us warm. First, we went to the supermarcket and bought some ingrediient after school. For example, napa cabbage, shrimp, pork, hackberry, beansporout, and so on. It was splendid. I like a meal cooked in a pot at the table. The winter is so cold. It is the best dish I think. Next time, I wish the taste is "Chanko." I also like Chanko-nabe.


If I have a free time, I want to sleep a lot. Now, I don't have a lot of of sleeping time very much. So I want to sleep more. I like sleeping the best! The sleeping is my happy thing. And If I have a free time, I want to go shopping with my friends. And I want to go to eat tea rice. I promised it with Kanako. So she is looking forward to going there with me. I recommend there. It is very delicious. But the price is little high. Next If I have a free time, I want to go to hot spring. I like hot spring. It is very comfortable. I have muscular pain. I do not the reason. But so…I have a lot things what I want to do anymore. 136words


New Flurry

I recommend this Mac Flurry!! The name is strawberry short cake. Please try to eat. I think you will be pleased with it. It started from Nov.30. Bye Bye~!!


traffic invevstigation

Yesterday, I took part in the traffic investigation as the part time job with Mika and Kensuke who is her boyfriend. The day was cold in the morning. And my work was very boring. So I want to stop my job. I worked for 6 hours. But I did it!! I got 7000ye-----n. Yeah! I was happy when I got my salary. I thought I want to take part in this job next time, too!!



This is Erizo. My boyfriend has her in his house. Today she attached itself to me. So I was happy. She likes kotatsu. And I also like it!!! Kotatsu is wonderful♪♪I can't live without it. Maybe...

Christmas Tree.

I decolated Christmas tree in MacDanalds on Monday. It took about one hour. Christmas tree is very beautiful. The children who came to MacDonalds as a customer was pleased with it. So I am happy, too. Please come to MacDonalds in Sanpian. I am waiting for you!!


Hot socks

I bought very hot socks yesterday in Sanpian. I don't have the hrater in my room. So I feel very cold. Especially foot. Because the floor of my room is wooden floor. So I needed hot socks as soon as possible. I pleased with my new socks very much.


They are Kanako and Miki. We improve our paper topic in the class of kaigai-kensyu. I have a lot of mistakes. So I have to imporve my report as soon as possible. Because the deadline of paper topic is November 27. But it is difficult for me to correct my English which mistaken. Hurry up, me!!!!


Free Time
If I have me free time, I want to sleep a lot of time, I like sleeping very much. Sleeping is my happy things. But now I do not have free time very much. Because I have my part time job a lot. For example, six times a week. So the average of my sleeping time at night is 5 hours or 4 hours. Fathermroe I have a lot of assightment everyday. So I have to do after My part time job finished and got back home and took a bath and ate dinner. S omy life is so hard. I do not like my life .But I think my life is so fruitful. Next Ig I have my free time, I want to go shopping. 127words


in Tsuruya.

We went to "Hokkaido-bussanten" in Tsuruya. It was so crowed with a lot of customer. We tasted many food. Everyone was so good. We bought a lunch box which had crab and salmon roe. It was very gorgeous and delicious. I was very pleased with it. I want to go there next time again.

Space World

I went to Space World on Saturday with my boyfriend. We went there by JR. It took about 2 hours. Do you know "Zaturn"? It is very very high and fast. So we was afraid of riding on it. But at last we could ride. Of course I was afraid but it was very fun. Please try it!!!


Talking Time!!!

Yesterday, I didn't have my part time job. So I finished my report whose deadline is next Monday. I t was difficult to write. The theme was "To kill a Mockingbird. I think the students take the history of American literature are guess. I went to the KFC with Mika. I like KFC. It is delicious. We talked about something for 3 hours there. The time was so good, and enjoyed. I want to talk long time with her.

Typing 11/14

Free Time
If I have my free time, I want to sleep a lot of time. I like sleeping. Sleeping is My happy thing! But, now I do not have free time very much. Because I have my part time job time a lot. For example six time a week. So the average of my sleeping time is 5 hours or 4 hours. So I am always sleepy. Next If I have my free time, I want to go shopping with my friend to down town. I like shopping very much. But If I do not have some money, I cannot shopping. Oh no… So I need some money. Now it has became cold. So I want htot jucket.


My little brother

My brother is 10 years old. He likes playing socccer. So he always kick the soccer ball in the house. BUT!!! His action is causing me liettle inconvinience. But he is really cute for me. So I forgive him.

Happy set♪

Now the toy of happy set is "Keroro." Do you know "Keroro"? It is popular. Why don't you correct the toy of "Keroro"?



Next class is Reading. Here is 14 building, but Next class's place is 11 building. So it is too far. I don't want to walk any more. I want Dokodemo-door!!! And I am hungry. I want something ot eat...I want time for sleeping...So have a good night!


Last night, I went to Kuroda-han with my boyfriend after my job finished.


My favorite singer is Yui. Do you know her? She is from Fukuoka. She can play the guitar. So when she sings a song, she uses her guitar. I like her songs. So when I go to the Karaoke, I often her songs. I have not been to her live. I would like to go to her live and I want to try to watch her live performance.


Typing 6
I moved to Kumamoto when I was junior high school. So I have lived in Kumamoto for 7years. Here is good place. Kumamoto has a lot of famous places. For example Mt.Aso, Amakusa, Kumamoto catsle, and so on.


Next Door to Love
A main character in this story was Stella. Tony was Stella's neighbor. He lived next to her house. Stella started to like him. One day, she heard him on the phone next door. He was very angry. Tony was afraid of something. Stella was worried about him. Daisy was Tony's daughter. Tony loved her but he couldn't live with her because she lived with her mother, Tony's ex-wife. That was why he was sad.
Stella and Tony liked each other so they started to go out. She was very happy until she saw him with a woman. She was worried if he cheated. However it was his ex-wife, Kathy. Kathy came to Tony's house to tell him that she and her new husband decided to move to Scotland. They wanted to take Daisy with them. Tony was very sad. Stella and Tony decided to see a lawyer. The case went against them. Tom was very sad and angry. Stella suggested him to move to Scotland and live near by Daisy. Stella would go with him. They moved to Scotland. They saw Daisy every weekend. Tony was very happy.
I think this story was good. This story was telling us about life. I loved the phrases which Janet, Stella's best friend, said. Which were "Everybody needs someone." and "When you want to do something, just do it. Don't stop and think! Don't wait! Just do it." I agreed to her opinion. I want to do something without thinking too much. I was happy because Tony and Stella lived happily together at last and they could see Daisy every weekend.


I have wisdom tooth. So I have to pull out my wisdom tooth. I am afraid of pulling out them. So I don't want to go to the dentist. I don't like dentist. Everyone doesn't like dentist!!!


The school festival of prefectual university will be take place this weekend. And my friends who go to prefectual university will hop there. So I am going to see their dancing Saturday night.

Next weekend

I am planning to go to the Space World with my boyfriend next week. I am looking forward to go there. I can't wait!!


What I should do

I have a lot of things which I have to do. For example,,,First I want to clean my room. My room is not clean. So I can't find what I want. I should clean my room as soon as possible.

Too bad...

Recently I think my meal is too bad and unhealthy. Most meal are cup noodle or MacDonalds or frozen food. So I feel my weight gain. I was shocked.


We are the champion!!!

We got the very best prize this year in the school festival!!!So I am very very happy♪♪


School Festival3

Today is last day and today is Saturday. So there were a lot of the public in our university and it crowed by them. I ate Tako-rice. It was very good taste. So I want to eat again next year.


School Festival2

Today is second day! BUT!!!I overslept this morning. Oh my gad...Hurry up me!


School Festival1

It started our school festival from today!!!Yeah~~~♪♪ We are going to sell pop corn and cotton candy. But I can't make cotton candy vell well...Kanako can make it well. Because she works at cheap sweeet courner as her part time job.



I stayed at Mika's house with Ayako. Mika's house is near by university. It takes five minutes be foot. So it is very convinience. And Mika made our breakfast for us. It was good breakfast and healthy.


Quarter Pounder

The quarter pounder was sold as a new goods of MacDonalds. It is very very big size!! But it is delicious. The taste is similar to normal hamburger. Please try to eat "Quarter Pounder!!!"


Sports Day

Today sports day took place in my university. I entered for relay and foot race. My body became a muscular pain. I thought that my linear momrntum is lack. It was very good weather. But I was very tired.


I went to MacDonalds which is my part time job. Yesterday was payday for most people. That is to say, You-me town was crowed by a lot of customers. It was very hard and pretty tired. I hoped customer didn't come to MacDonalds today. It took a lot of time for cleaning. I got home at 0 AM.


Micro teaching!!!

Today, I become a teacher. And I did a practice class in teaching courese period. So my friends who take teaching course became students. I felt nervous before some student and my real teacher, but I managed to success my practice class. I have another chance next month, so I want to do well more!!


Book Review5

Another World
BZXY741 was a main character in this story. He lived in Eden City. Eden City was the happy world. Everyone lived there was very happy. He loved his city very much.
One day, he met a girl, Eve. She was very beautiful but she was strange. She told him that Eden City was not a real world and she wanted to take him to a real world. He couldn't understand her but he decided to go to the real world with her. Real world was not beautiful. He didn't like there. In Eden City, they never get old than 25 years old. It was first time for him to see old people. He didn't like them. He felt embarrassed about family. He wanted to back Eden City.
When he back, he was very happy. He was happy to be a citizen in Eden City.
In the Ministry of The People's Happiness, a young woman with grey eyes knocked on a door. It was Eve. Her name was EV007. She was a citizen in Eden City. She was testing BZ, if he was a perfect man for The Team. He was a perfect.

I really enjoyed reading this book. Rina recommend this book to me. I could read this without stopping. I was very surprised that Eve was testing BZ. I love this kind of story.

WAI part1

WAI 2-01: The First Month

Book reviews


Blog posts



Posts w. pics

Posts w. links

On weekend

I went to Kyujyu in Oita on Saturday. There are famous suspension bridge. It is the highest and largest in Japan. But we felt very cold because the wind was strong. But the view was beautiful!!
We ate UDON there. It was delicious. I want to go there again in the next summer!!!


Typing5 Kumamoto(2)
I live in Kumamoto. 10 years ago, I have moved here with my family. My grandparents live in Kumamoto, too. I love Kumamoto. But I sometimes do not like here. Because there are a lot of incects. I don’t like insect. There are a lot of famous places. For example, Mt. Aso. It has the most biggest Kardera in the world. I think that it is amazing. And Amakusa. It has the beautiful sea. I didn’t go to the sea this summer. So I want to go to the sea next year.


Book Review4

The Big Picture
Kenji Harada is photographer. He takes photos for newspapers, for anybody who wants to buy them. His boss of Tokai Photo Agency, name is Kenzaburo Yoshimoto calling him almost morning. One day, "Takahanada is going to the Tokyo Garden Hotel with his new girlfriend. You must go there quickly" he said. Takahanada was a famous sumo star in Japan. When he arrived there, many people waited him and his new girlfriend. Ken wanted to go coffee shop, because he wasn't eat anything. Then he saw Takahanada and Kumiko Okada at the door of coffee shop!! People thought they come to the Hotel, so nobody noticed. He took a very good picture. There were no photographers, just him. He pleased it and went back to his office.
Then he was pointed by a yakuza man who has a gun. And his flat and darkroom broken by somebody. He was afraid at this, and he felt some body's looking for his picture. He went to Left Luggage, and the key's number put it in the rubbish. But then, he was took away. He was barely escaped. He went to police and explained the process to police men. Finally, police men arrested one person. His aim was Ken's picture. He killed person, and Ken took this moment incidentally. It was a back of Takahanada's picture.
He sold this picture, and became a rich.
I was excited about this story. I thought criminal wanted his picture too. And I felt we have to see everything, it is really important.


Book Review3

The House of The Seven Gables
I read the book The House of The Seven Gables.
Miss Hepziban Phycheon lived in the house of the Seven Gables, on Phychen street. It was dark old house. There was a small room in the front gable and today, for the first time in many years, that room was a store again.
Hepziban din not want to work in the store. It was very difficult for her. The people in teh town did not like her. She was old, adn her face was not beautiful. But she needed money. She needed food.


My trip to MN


My favorite food is sweet!!! Especially, I like chocolate cake and cheese cake. But I can’t make them. I am not good at cooking. So I never made sweet. And my mother can’t make, too. I always buy them at the supermarchet after I finished my part time job. Next I like ice cream. Especially I like chocolate chip cookies ice cream. So I want to try to work 31 ice cream. Because I think that I can try to eat new flover of ice cream. I sometimes eat it during my break time. But double is very good size. (101words)



Oh my gad〜

I am sad...I was shocked...Because my teeth is pain!!! So I have to go to the dentist as soon as possible. But I don't like dentist!!! I think everybody doesn't like there. I don't want to go there...


Work day,,,

Today I went to my part time job. I worked at there for more than 8 hours. So I was really tired. The store was crowed by a lot of customer. I want time fot sleeping more!!!

Book Review2

Rip Van Winkle and The Legened of Sleepy Hollow
I read the book "Rip Van Winkle and The Legened of Sleepy Hollow."
Rip Van Winkle is a farmer and he has his dog and wolf. One day he goes to the mountains with his dog and wolf. He meets some old men there.
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is about a teacher Ichabod Crane. He likes listening to stories about ghosts.


The parade in the city

I took part in the parade in the city!!!It was very fun but really tired. Because it was sunny but we could not drink a lot of something to drink. We put the costume which we made ourselves. I want to take part in the parade in the city next year again!!!


Big Pop Corn!!!

3 days ago, Kanako brought the big pop corn!! It was very big. So
I was surprised to see it. The taste was caramel. But I don't like pop corn. So I couldn't eat it. I am sorry Kanako. But I think everyone was happy to eat bit pop corn. ♪♪


Coming soon!!!

I belong to flower arrengement club. And our club will take part in the parade of city. So we make our costume to put it at parade of city after school. We finished making our costume today. Yeah~~!!!It took a lot of time, but it is very cute. I was pleased with it. So I am looking forward to taking part in the parade 2 days later!!!


Prepare for school festival

Recently, I entered flower arrengement club. My university's school festival will be held on from Novemver 1 to 3. So we preprare for parade of downtown after school. We go back home after 10. I am sleepy...I want many time more!


My favorite drinks are coca cola and fanta grape and C.C lemon. Especially I like Fanta grape. So when I eat McDonalds, I drink Fanta Grape with hamburger and potato fried. My favorite foods is sweet!!! Especially, I like chocolate ice cream. I often go to 31 ice cream and I buy it. My friend works there. So I try to eat other ice cream’s taste. I love ice cream. But winter will be coming soon. So it gets cold. I think I don’t eat ice cream very much. (89words)



"Mike's Lucky Day"
I read a book whose name is Mike's Lucky Day. The main charactor are Mike, Bill, and Jennifer. Mike has a summer vacation now. Bill is a driver of van.


Summer Vacation!!!

My summer vacation was very fun and fruitful. I took part in the home stay program. I stayed with Tim and Helen's house. There are 4 people in their family. Tim and Helen and Alithea who is 4 years old and Danny is 1 year old. They are really nice family!! I like them. I went to various place. For example, wave pool, Mall of America, Minnesota zoo, outlet, and so on. My dislike thing is on the plane. Because it took more than 12 hours. I would like to go back to Minnesota some day.


My favorite food is sweet, snack, and McDonalds. Especially what I like is ice cream and chocolate cake. And especially what I like hamburger is bacon lettuce burger and Teruyaki burger. I also like NGT with BBQ.
My favorite drink is tea and coffee. But I can’t drink coffee without a lot of sugar and milk. My mouth is like a child. So if I drink coffee I add a lot of milk and sugar. I also like green tea. Especially I like cold tea. My favorite pop is coke.

Fall semester

The fall semester began. So I have to get up at early morning and I am very sleepy every day and evrey class. I am hungry, too. Because I don't have breakfast every morning. I have no time in the morning!!!! I hope that...One day has 36 hours.


Experience with blogging

I didn't like using personal computer. But I became to use a PC everyday. So I accustomed with using computer. I learned that how to paste a link, how to write the blog, and so on in this semester. I think that taking this class is good. Thank you very much, Richard.

WEI part5 July 21

total posts: 69
Monthly posts:
April: 10
May: 21
June: 26
July: 12
Monthly total: 5598

April: 640
May: 1719
June: 2292
July: 947

Number of completed essays:2
1. About Kumamoto
2. University
See all book reviews:

highest score:80 words
See my typing post


Photo with Links:
Photo with photos, etc:


My best essay: UNIVERSITY
My best book reveiw: CARNIVAL
My best post(excludeing the avobe): Donalds Appearance

1.1 (4/15-22)
2.9 (4/22-4/29)
3.5 (4/29-5/06)
4.2 (5/06-5/13)
5. 1 (5/13-5/20)
6. 9 (5/20-27)
7.7 (5/27-,6/03)
8.7 (6/03-6/10)
9.4 (6/10-6-17)
10. 9 (6/17-6/24)
11. 3 (6/24-7/01)
12.6 (7/01-7/08)
13.4 (7/08-7/15)
14.2 (7/15-7/21)


Labels: YES
Friend's blogs: YES
Kumamoto: YES
Other Links: YES
Library Thing: NO
Feed: YES




Labels: YES
Friend's blogs: YES
Kumamoto: NO
Other Links: NO
Library Thing: NO
Feed: YES


WEI part3

1.1 (4/15-22)
2.9 (4/22-4/29)
3.5 (4/29-5/06)
4.2 (5/06-5/13)
5. 1 (5/13-5/20)
6. 9 (5/20-27)
7.7 (5/27-,6/03)
8.7 (6/03-6/10)
9.4 (6/10-6-17)
10. 9 (6/17-6/24)
11. 3 (6/24-7/01)
12.6 (7/01-7/08)


I belong to English class in Kumamoto University. MY UNIVERSITY IS VERY LARGE AND THERE ARE A LOT OF STUDENT IN CAMPUS. I HAVE MANY CLASSES. MY FAVORITE CLASS IS P.E. AND I LIKE ENGLISH CLASS, TOO. I USUALLY EAT MY LUNCH BOX IN SCHOOL CAFETELIA. I EAT it with my friend Mika, Kana, Eri and Minako. I love them. But, I sometimes buy bread in bacaly. It is delicious and cheap. I like it. Because I forget making my lunch box and I got up late.


I read a book "THE TROY STONE." The main charactor is Mark who is 13 years old. The Jackson family are on holiday in Turkey. They are staying at a big hotel in Istanbul. Mark, his sister Fay who is 12 years old, and their parents like Turkey. Turkey is beautiful, the weather is hot and teh food is good. Then Mark feels sleepy, and slept under the tree. It was 4 o'clock.


I read a book "Maisie and the Dolphin." Tehe main charactor is Maisie King and her father and mother. Maisie King live in the Bahamas, she is thirteen years old and likes pop music, reading and swimming. Her mother and father are docotor. They work at the Freeport animal hospital. Maisie lives with her grangfather.
On Saturdays Maisie and her grandfather often go out in his boat-the Warm Wind. She likes to swim underwater and look at all the beautiful fish. Then the accident happened. Maisie and her grandfather are watching a big, expensive American boat and a dolphin. The driver can't see the dolphin. Oh no! The boat hits the dolphin adn drive away. Maisie is very angry. She and her grandfather take the dolphin back to Freeport. It is not good story. The driver should be careful more.


WEI Part2

highest score:80 words
See my typing post


Photo with Links:
Photo with photos, etc:


My best essay: UNIVERSITY
My best book reveiw: CARNIVAL
My best post(excludeing the avobe): Donalds Appearance

TYPING July4th

I belong to Kumamoto Gakuen university. We call my university KGU. And I am English student. I am studying Spanish too. I come to school by motor bike everyday, but when it is rain I come to school by bus. So I don’t like rain. It has very traffic jam. I spend enjoying my school life. I have three periods today. First period is Writing. Writing’s teacher is Rick. He is very kind and very cheerful. So I like him. Next, I second period is Reading. I have a lot of English classes. But I like studying English.
First time typing is 54, second time is 80. So I passed my aim.


Favorite Breakfast

My favorite breakfast is bread. But I usually don't eat breakfast. I have no time in the morning. I will arrive barely in time for class everyday.


This box is new McDonalds's NGT box. This charactor is Shreck. It is so cute. Now happy set's toy is Shreck. The toy is popular for children. I have a news for you. We usually sell NGT 220 yen. But we sell NGT 100 yen if you use a coupon. Please come to McDonalds.


I read a book “HANNAH AND THE HURRICANE.” The main character is Hannah who is sixteen and lives on an island. She is on holiday from school and is working fro Mr. Duval on his glass bottomed boat. Mr. Duval can only pay Hannah a little money, but she lives working for the old man. One day, the new boat appeared! Hannah found out the boat’s sight. All customers went to the new boat. The reason is that “Hannah’s boat is 15 dollars but new boat’s 8 dollars, so new boat is cheaper.” The new boat’s owner is Max Marlcer who is very rich and has a big house on the island. The weeks go by, people don’t come to Mr. Duval’s boat. Then, Max went to Mr. Duval and said “Do you want to sell your boat?” But Mr. Duval is very angry “NO!” He loves his boat. That is all.


The food I have ever eaten is whale flesh. I ate it when I was junior high school in the school lunch time. But I don't like whale flesh. I want to try to eat rare food someday.


Oh my gad...

I got a speeding ticket... I was very very shocked. So it was blue day. I must pay a ¥7000 fine. I have no money. I will be careful for policeman from now.

My favorite food

First, my favorite food is sweets!!! I like ice cream, snack, parfait, and so on. I ate a custard pudding in the lunch time with my lunch box. So I was full up.
Second, my favorite food is Chinese noodle. Recently, I often go toeating "TATSUNO-YA." Please try to eat it!!


WEI part1

total posts: 56
Monthly posts:
April: 10
May: 21
June: 24
Monthly total:4619

April: 707
May: 1799
June: 2113

Number of completed essays:2
1. About Kumamoto
2. University
See all book reviews:



When I am free time, I usually go to bed. Sometimes, going shopping, watching TV and DVD, listening to music and cleaning my room. After all I love sleeping!!! So I am little sleepy.


Recently, I have a lot of test and report. So I must study more harder. I will take part in "Kaigaikensyuu", so I will not be in examination's period. Therefore, we will take our exam earlier than formal test's period in June. I have a lot of things to do. For example, I prepare for going abroad, test study, part time job. Take it easy, me-----!!


My host family

I will go to Minnedota in this summer vacation. I knew my host family in today's class. There are four people in their family. Father is Timothy Keuning, he is 35 years old. Mother is Helen Keuning, she is turning 33 years old.

I heard his sudden death

I heard about your accudent first in the Jeff's writing class. When I heard it, I was very surprised and shocked. I think that your family, friends, and other many people were very sad to hear of Syotaro's death and you probably didn't think that you will be sudden death. I pay your last respects.


I read a book "DEAD MAN'S RIVER". The main charactor is Jonas and Hetty and her father Mr Gray. Jonas wants to marry Hetty. And Hetty wants to marry Jonas, too. But Her father doesn't oppose their marriage. Then some man went to called "Dead Man's River". Dead Man's River is afraid of having ghost. But Pete said "Don't be a fool." The three man get on thier houses. It getting dark, moon is bright, then they see a white face and white head. It said "I am a dead man of the river, The river is mi-i-ine!" A man's face is white, too. They run!!! They came back to the house. And Hetty and Jonas get married. The story concludes happily. But It is not interesting story for me.


Today, my second period Listening canceld a lecture. But I didn't it, so I was waiting for my teacher and friend in the classroom. There were few students in the classroom. Then, a girl said "Todays's class is nothing!" I was glad to hearing that but I was shocked and happy. because I have a lot of things to do. Now, I am in the library and I am renewing my blog. After that, I must finish my report. Hurry~~!!!


I read a book “Blue Moon Valley”. The main character is Li Sun, her grandmother, her uncle, and Wu Chin. Blue Valley is a small village. Li Sun lives there with her grandmother. Her grandmother is very old and very ill. She can’t work any more and has no money. Then, the letter from Li Sun’s uncle received, and she read. He wants to work with Li Sun. She doesn’t want to leave Blue Moon but she left the village two days later. Her uncle gives her to work which wash the animals, and give them their food. Li Sun works very hard. Several months later, she has got the circus’s job. Li Sun starts to love the horseman Wu Chin, and he loves her, too. He said her “I want you to be my wife.” One week later, Li Sun and Wu Chin leave the city. Everyone comes to say goodbye. It is little complex story. That’s all.


I had an accident again. This time, when I turned to right, a car went to straight here. Fortunately I didn’t injure my body. I should watch out for car more.


Donald Appearance took place in Sanpian you-me town on Sunday. Donald Appearance is Donald play with children. I took part in event as a Donald’s assistant. There were many children in the meeting place. It was a lot of fun to play with Donald and children. Donald is very cheerful and cool!!!


The Rainy Season

I don’t like the rainy season very much. I think that everyone dislike it. I usually go to school by motor bike. So, when it is rainy, I go to school by bus or I am drenched to the skin. Sometimes I am late for school... At any late, I don’t like the rainy season.

I am shocked.,,

I heard about Syotaro's accudent first in the Jeff's writing class. When I heard it, I was very surprised and shocked. I think that your family, friends, and other many people were very sad to hear of Syotaro's death and you probably didn't think that you will be sudden death. I pay your last respects.


University essay

There are four college in Kumamoto Gakuen university. I am belong to Britain and America. I have a lot of English class everyday. When I have a class in first period, I am weak on morning. I cannot help sleeping in first period.
I often use a bakery. It is very delicious and cheap so I like it. In case I have first period class, I buy some bread to the bakery. Because I have no breakfast, so I am hungry. I usually have my lunch box in the school cageteria with my friends Mika, Kana, Eri and Minako. I like them.



I ate a "MEGA-TERIYAKI"!!! Do you know? It started selling it from June 8th. This humberger is too big. Wow~!! It is very delicious and I am full up. But, it is hard for me to eat. BUT! I recommend it to you~♪ 


My Friends

Today, I will meet my friends after school. Sacchan and Yama were same high school's friends. Sacchan goes to Seinan university but tonight she will come back to Kumamoto by train. I am looking forward to seeing them!!!


Typing practice

My favorite movie is “Titanic”. This story is what the Titanic ship strike the iceberg and the ship go under down the sea. The other day, I watched the movie in English. This topic is difficult for me, because I donnot very watch the movie.



I read a book "Dino's Day in London." The main character is Tommy Grant. He is a taxi driver in London. He works for top taxis and he is busy everyday. One day Tommy stops the taxi. He wanted to go to Buckingham Palace- the home of the Queen. So the taxi stopped. But Tommy was strange and he said "I don't want to see this old place." I thought that he is peculiar boy. This is funny story...


Now I have rested from my part time job for four weeks. Because I have been busy for my test, examination, and report and so on. But I will return to my my part time job. I am looking for working there next week!!!


I went to Sport's Day in elementary school on Sunday. My brother goes to elementary school, he is ten years old. He is cute!! He took part in the foot race, mass game and relay. It was hot day, so I was tired. But I enjoyed!!!

Summer vacation's plan

I am planning to go to America from June 23 to August 21. I am looking forward to going abroad. I will stay with a family in Minnesota. And I will go to study Bethel University. In spring vacation, I got a passport at the prefectural office. Next week I will make a visa card. I must study English harder.


I read a book “THE MISSING COINS”. The main character is Pete and Carla They are students in Bath. Pete likes looking at the beautiful old buildings. Carla likes walking in the little streets. She often finds pretty little shops there and goes into them. They like Bath. Bath is a very old city in England. It has a beautiful Abbey. A lot of people visit the city every year. And in the summer there are always a lot of tourists in the streets. One day, the problem has arisen. Pete and Carla went to the little shop, which was sold many stamps and valuable coins. Pete was interested in these and he wanted these. Then, the telephone rang and shopkeeper went into the backroom. Pete and Carla went out the little shop and went to the café to drink. The shopkeeper came to the café. “Did you steal my valuable coins?” said him and he was very angry. But he was mistaken about theft and he apologized to them. I thought that it is hasty conclusion story. That’s all.



I read a book "THE FIREBOY". This is the story og Hapu. So main character is Hapu. He lives in Ancient Egypt at the Queen Cleopatra. His father, Bak who has a small factory. He makes gold tables and chairs. Hapu helps him. So he is a "fireboy". Everyday he pushes a long handle up and down. They are poor people. They need to make money. But Hapu's father was ill and he couldn't work. Hapu thought that "Father works too hard." In that time Hapu made not only a lot of tables but chairs, and he made a gold neckless, too. He think that Queen Cleopatra is going to like this and she is going to pay a lot of money for it. But Hapu didn't enter the Cleopatra's palace. One day, Cleopatra arrived the road. So Hapu gave her to his neckless. She liked it, and she gave him to some money. Hapu's father said him "Thank you!"
That's all.


I read a book "Flying Home". The character is Felix and Mr.Baxters. Felix is a blue and yellow bird from brazil. He lives with his family in New York. His home is a big cage. It is on the fortieth floor of a tall building. Felix wanted to be with his family again and fly home to the jungle. Then, Mr.Baxters forgot to shut Felix's cage. Felix can see an open window. "That is it!" he thinks. And he flies out of his cage and out of the window. GOOD-BYE!!! Felix flies south. All he can see is the Atlantic Ocean. For the first time in two years he is free. Two days later, Felix flies across Peru, and flies from Peru to Rio. At last , he arrived his home jungle. It is good story. I like it.


Recently, I have been tired ... Weekend comes here!!! Yeah~(^^)v I am planning to cleaning my room on Saturday, and going to my brother's sport days of elementary school. After that I am going to watch the tennis game.


Power Words

I must finish "power words" by June. Power words is reading's homework and level up game of English vocabulary. I am addicted to power words. I do it in the school library by ten everyday. I don't have my part-time-job. So I have a lot of time to do something.I spend a full time.



I read a book "White Oryx". The main charactor is Abdullah and Mandy Brown. Abdullah is an oryx ranger. And Mandy is writing a book about the animal of Arabia. The problem happened. It is which the poacher shoot the oryx and they catch the young oryx and sell them. Then, Abdullah and Mandy pursued after the poacher. On the way, they found the track of a truck and some blood in the sand. And then, they watched the track. They tought that the poacher have got a oryx's baby. At last, they found the poacher who has a gun near the truck. But they put thier guns on the sand and put up thier hands and oryx's baby isn't moving. They are worried, but the little oryx opens its eyes and moves its legs. They smiled!!It is impression story.


I read a book "Carnival". The main charactor is Jake and Maria. Jake is eighteen years old and lives in his family. Maria is a beautiful tall girl in her carnival costume. When Jake went to the carnival, he fell in love with her at first sight. Maria is pleased with Jake too. Jake stole a camera from spectator, because he wanted a her smile photo. He was arrested for theft by the police. When Jake and police officer arrived at the police office, they were surprised at the photo. The police officer knew the photo's girl. Really, Maria is a policewoman too. He had barely forgave his theft. It is interesting story. I like it.


I went to Universal Studio Japan in Osaka from Friday to Sunday. First day, we stayed in ferry. Saturday morning, we arrived at Izumiohzu. We went to USJ by bus. We rode many rides. It is very fun!!! My foot became muscular pain, because I walked around the park. We had a very good time. I would like to travel with him again!!!


On the diet(>ж<)ノ”

I have put on weight recently. I am shocked. So I sometimes run around my house in the night. But, running is hard for me and no effect on the diet. At this, I should stop eating McDonald's food. I think that this is cause of weight.


I read a book "Little Women" . The character is Meg, Jo, Beth, Emmy, four sisters. Meg is oldest daughter, and kindness. Next, Jo is a competitive girl. She has a beautiful hair and she boasts of her hair. Next, Beth is a shy girl. She will pass away on the way, because she caused illness. Finally, Emmy is a selfish girl. She longs for rich. They are good family and considerate, support each other. Their father doesn't appear so much. Because he is going to the war. But, they love their father, and they are proud of him. Especially, Jo loves her father. Afterward, she married Dr.Bear. He is a poor person from Germany. But, he is a gentleman and highbrow. So she married for love and kindness, not for money. At last, this family live happily. I like this book and I want to read this story's sequel.


Today, I had a test in second period. I take a class "English introduction". The test was too difficult for me. I couldn't understand what teacher said. Oh, my gash! We learn about origin of lunguages, variation, change of lunguage, pronunciaiton, and so on. It is technical subject.


I had a cold.

I have had a cold since last Saturday. I had a fever of 37 degrees from Saturday to Monday. I went to the hospital, and the doctor gives the medicines to me. My tonsil irritate, so I take a medicine three times a day. Now, I am enougth well again. I think that good health is important.

Happy Birthday

May 11th was my boyfriend's birthday. After school, I went to his house. I pierced with candles on the cake. We ate many pieces of cake. So, we have eaten sufficiently. After that, I gave my present to him. He is pleased with it. I am happy to see his smile.


I am planning to go to the “Universal Studio Japan” from this Friday to Sunday. I just can’t wait to go there. But, according to the weather forecast unfortunately it will be rainy on Saturday. I am shocked…I wish it will be fine from Friday to Sunday.

Let's study!

Recently, I often use school’s library. I have many things to do, but I think that time is lacking for making many reports and studying English. I want more time! I am poor at typing. But thanks to using computer in these days, I feel that my typing is faster than what I was. It is good for me.


Today, new employee came to McDonalds. She is 16 years old and too young. I taught her how to make drink, and how to make hamburgers and so on. There are many remembering things. She had difficultly with remembering. Try her best next week, too!

About Kumamoto

I will talk about every Kumamoto.
I talk about Kumamoto's famous food. First, "basashi" is famous for Kumamoto. When I ate it for the first time, I resisited eating it. But, it is so good. Next is "Karashi-rennkon". Actually, I have never eaten it. I think that It looks like fiery. Next is " Ikinari-dango". It is one of the food I like. It has a good mix of taste, sweet popato and bean paste.
Next, I talk about Kumamoto's famous tourist map. First is Mt.Aso. Mt.Aso has the biggest caldera. It is magnificent. Second is Kumamoto castle. It is coming to four hundreds anniversary this year. It took place big jubilee in the Kumamoto castle.
Next, I talk about Kumamoto's dialect. I think that we speak with a storng accent. It has a traditinal characteristic. But I like "Kumamoto-ben".
Next, I talk about Kumamoto's season. Kumamoto' summer is very hot!!! But, winter is very cold!!! That is to say I think that spring and autumn is nothing in Kumamoto. I sometimes feel unconfortable, but I like Kumamoto!!!


Restaurant experience

I went to "TATSUNOYA" with my boyfriend on Saturday. TATSUNOYA is a noodle restaurant. I like it. I ate a noodle, fried rice, castard pudding. So I full up, I gave fried rice to him. They were delicious! After that, we went to baby-zaras in youme-town. We went to buy a pacifier for his friend's baby. And we went to his friend's home to see a baby. She is very cute, her name is Miyu.



I went to shopping for buy my boyfriend's birthday present. I walked around anywhere for finding the good present. Finally, I bought a wallet.


I made my lunch box in the morning. We useally eat lunch in the school cafeteria with my friends. After I finished eating lunch, I went to liblary to renewal my blogs and complete a report. Recently, I often go to the library to use a computer. I am busy ...



The cat's name is "ERI". We call her "Erizou". She is a spoiled child but very cute. Her favorite food is surume. When we are eating it, she looks for it.



Do you know Mc Flurry? I was pleased with it. While successive, Fluuly's plice was having a half-price sale. It is popular ice cream, and very delicious. It has two kinds of taste. One is "OREO", the other is "KITKAT". KITKAT is new icecream. If you have not eaten it yet, I would love for you to eat.


I became a sleeping queen!!! Why? I had slept for 14 hours . I was surprised. I had many doream dream while I was sleeping. My parents were shocked at sleeping queen... My bes special talent is sleeping. GOOD- NIGHT!!!

In the park!!!

It is a very very fine day. I went to the park with my boyfriend and his friend's family on Sunday. His friend is a daddy. He has a daughter and son. They are so cute. I played badminton with them. They are children full of vigor. They don't know tiredness, maybe. I thought that my boyfriend will be a good daddy.

I had a cold.

I had a cold on Monday. In any case, I can't stop sneezing. My nose looks like reindeer. I put on my seat shirt, while I felt cold. I want to be fine earlier.



The event takes place at mcdonalds on Saturday. This time, we take place "tamaire-game". A lot of childrens come to our event. We speak to children and thier parents. I am looking forward to meeting many childern. To be continue...


I went to family restaurant "JOYFUL" after I finished my part-time-job. We often go there. I love JOYFUL. We spent there for three hours. New drinkber appered recently. I am pleased with drinkber. I want to go there again.



I met a my friend on Wednesday. We were club activities friend when we were a junior high school student. We talked about various stories for more than five hours in the mcdonalds. She is a student and she wants to be an instructor in aerobics. We would lilke to go Mt.tatsuda again. We used to practice in Mt.Tatsuda. We like runnning. I want to talk with her someday.


I read the book "THE CUO IN THE FOREST". Main charactor is Per and Nina. One day, they went to the forest and they found the strange cup. The cup was Hakon's. Hakon is a viking. He was angry, because Per and Nina took out the cup from the forest. Later Nina was died. It is an interesting story.


My cellular phone.

My cellular phone is in need of repair. Because it meets with an accident! 1 month ago, I had an traffic accident, then my cellular phone was tread on my motor bicycle. So recently battery of my cellular phone became bigger and bigger. It is dangerous. I want to come home my cellular phone earlier.


Yesterday, I cleaned my room . It takes 2 hours. A lot of litter appered from my room, so I was surprised. I was very very tired. But my room became very comfatable, so it is OK! I think that I try to keep my room neat and tidy.


I take writing class on Wednesday. Today, I went to school by bus. The road was crowed. So I thouht that I am late for school, oh my gad...But, I arrived in time. I am good at using a computer, so I am in the dismals. I will do my best next class,too.

My introduce myself.

Good morning! I will introduce myself. My name is Saki M. I live in Kumamoto city. I usually go to school by motor bicycle. There are 5 people in my family. Father, Mother, younger sister and brother. My sister is a high school student. My brother is an elementary school student. My birthday is March 23. I like go shopping, eating, sleeping, talk with my friends. I don’t like to wake up early in the morning and eat vegetable. I have worked at mcdonalds for more than 1 years. I like my job. It is very hard, but it is fun. Please come to mcdonalds in Sanpian youme town.



Last Saturday, I went to "ROUND1" with my boyfriend after my part-time-job. I played there for three hours. We played volleyball, batting, bowling, tennis, and so on. We were muscular pain, but we had a good time. So I want to go there again!!!


My part-time-job

I have worked at Macdonalds. I work there six times a week. So, I have no free time...


first post

Hello. I am Saki . Nice to meet you. From now on, I will make my blog, so please come my blog!!!